My Nature's Logic Photography research documents sounds & images of nature & community....
to inspire many to reach far beyond the obvious enough to learn to protect priceless, uncountable lives and places .....
because I have seen how nature nurtures life to grow amazing wonders...such as living cells,
counted in financial value through time or not...obvious to one private bank account numbers of one private self now or not....
counted in mechanical rates of private cash numbers now or not.....
nature's amazing wonders of life to inspire & lift the many
to find nature's priceless, nurturing, comforting, healing, sharing flows, cycles, genius, places far from the obvious countable...
to grow heaven on earth instead.
Logical economics are very important to me and us....
because humans can harvest nature's critical but uncountable flows & cycles & genius infinite enough to nurture our uncountable priceless worlds, cell or self or globe inalienable.......
such as our own children's (family's) futures,
our own nation's future, o
ur own private future intelligently.....
to grow heaven instead.
We can choose to grow uplifting positive outcomes to lift all up to amazing but uncountable wonders,
up to blessings slowly to share freely enough, free from want, free from fear....
far from the obvious.....
or we can cause negative consequences to suck all down
down into gravity easy, cheap quick to consume us.
It's our decision,
private or public,
obvious to one self now or not,
countable in rates of private bank accounts now or not.
I produced an original series for Public Access Television, Nature's Logic Photography between 1996 and about 2011 for Iowa City PATV (Cable18) that documented sounds and images of nature and community for reflection, for wonder.....and continue now with still photography and video.
My still photography and art has exhibited at
* Chait Galleries Small Works Shows in Iowa City, at the
* University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics' Project Art Temporary Exhibits and in
* UIHC Staff & Faculty Art Shows.
I served on the Board of Directors of Public Access Television 2007 and founded a PATV Art Gallery so that PATV TV producers and others could display their art...as a marketing device for PATV.
Now I volunteer at the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics's Art Cart Program to deliver art to patient rooms and help them select art for their rooms while they are in the hospital....so I see what a satisfying difference it makes for their stay.
I try to bring priceless places to those who cannot find them.
Also, as a citizen environmental scientist, I have studied and worked as a wastewater analyst....learning that our human economies need to count both structure and also function of living systems, cell or self or globe .....to count more than mechanical rates of privatizing cashflow floods into one private bank account.....enough to learn to value the invaluable and count the uncountable....private or public or life web or whole earth system or universal or regulated by moral laws of reciprocity far from the obvious....
Exhibitions & Videos
Producer & Videographer for Farmers' Electric Coop 100th Year Anniversary: I was asked to produce a video for the open house that was well received. I interviewed about 10 persons about the history of FEC and produced a video about an hour long.
As a cellist in the UIHC Faculty-Staff Orchestra, I asked to record a performance of the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto...and combined it with images of the Arctic by an explorer exhibiting work at the UIHC to play for COP21 in Paris.
University of Iowa Project Art, Temporary Exhibit and Staff Show, Fall 2014, Iowa City, Iowa
Chait Galleries, Small Works Show,
Fall 2008 to 2014, Iowa City, Iowa
Public Access Television Gallery: I produced a weekly original series for television, Nature's Logic Photography and founded an Art Gallery for PATV Artists to display their work, 2007, Iowa City, Iowa
Public Access TV H2O Award
Iowa City, Iowa 1996
Public Access TV Visionary Award
Iowa City 2012
Contact Me
T- 123-456-7890